Many thanks to all those who braved the chilly November evening to attend the Town Hall Meeting. Whether you were for the Toll Road or opposed to it, you showed your elected officials that you care. All of the officials that I spoke with were greatly encouraged by the turnout.
For all who weren't able to make the meeting, we'll post video later today. I think that most of our questions were answered; the main one being whether the Board of Commissioners is willing to bring to the floor for a vote a Resolution to rescind Resolution 11-09 (the Toll Road resolution). Given the turnout last night, we're fairly confident that such a resolution will pass. Please check back with this site and we'll provide confirmation when Resolution 11-09 has been rescinded. Better yet, enter your email address in the box provided to the right and you'll receive any new posts to this site in your email inbox.
Most of the people that I spoke with after the meeting were left with some concern about whether the State DOT might pursue this project or something like it. This is an issue that we're all going to need to pay attention to. West Paulding is a prime target for all kinds of potential projects because of the amount of green space, and because any attempt to connect to the Paulding Airport from the North or South would most likely go through West Paulding. More on this later.