Board Meeting Minutes

  1. Here are the minutes from the April 8, 2011 Paulding County Board meeting where the resolution to create the Joint Development Authority was approved (see Attachment B).
  2. Here is an excerpt from the minutes of the Spalding County Board of Commissioners Extraordinary Session on April 18, 2011 in which the Toll Road proposal was discussed.
  3. Paulding County Board of Commissioners Meeting Minutes Archives
  4. Below is a transcript from the agenda item "Update on Toll Road Project" from the Industrial Building Authority Meeting held on September 21, 2011. 

    Blake Swafford: 
    Update on the Toll Road Project - There's not really a whole lot to update there. I think everyone is aware at this point that Vance Smith has submitted his resignation with the Georgia Department of Transportation. I understand that there is a search going on for a replacement. I think it's probably prudent for us to - uh - not to completely stop what we're doing, but at least slow down a little bit and wait until we have another DOT Commissioner on board. Obviously, that person will need to be up-to-speed on what we're doing. RDC has adopted some language for their legislative policy earlier this year that supports the project. It doesn't mention the project specifically, but it doesn't need to. Also, some of the other ABC groups that deal with transportation projects, I think, are cooking up some similar language that would support our project or a project like ours. The project continues to be talked about in the transportation industry, which is a good thing, and we continue to just work on the details as we await a new DOT commissioner. So, I don't know if there were any questions..

    David Austin: 
    Blake and I, along with Scott, had a great meeting... I can't remember if this took place since our last meeting, with Jean Evans. You want to highlight that meeting... she gave us some good input.

    Blake Swafford: 
    Yep, we went down and met with Mrs. Evans, who's head of the State Road Toll Authority. Presented the project, got some feedback from her. The feedback was all positive, which I quite frankly was concerned about, the State Road Toll Authority, whether or not they would have a positive outlook on a project like this. She was very positive and very supportive, and that was a relief to hear. She did spend quite a bit of time giving us a tour around their facilities and kind of pointing out some things that we would need to look at in the future in terms of toll collections and things like that. The State is going to a standard system that will address all toll collections in the state of Georgia, and that's a good thing. That takes something off of our plate that we don't have to try to figure out. So, assuming at some point in time in the future if we move forward with the project, we'll end-up doing an intergovernmental agreement with the State to allow them to do the Toll collections, which again takes something off of our plate that we don't have to try to figure out.  So those are good things, and it was a very positive meeting.

    David Austin: 
    She was very informed, she knew about as much about our project as what we showed her. She's a fireball.

    Blake Swafford: 
    Smart lady.